Cat. Lepid. Phalaenae Br. Mus. 3: 58 1288. Automolis pratti. (Plate XLIII. fig. 16.) Automolis pratti, Druce, A. M. N. H. (7) vi. p. 66 (1900). Male. Black; sides of frons, vertex of head, metathorax, and legs with metallic blue patches; back of head with orange spots ; tegule, patagia, and metathorax with broad orange stripes: abdo- men with dorsal metallic blue spots on terminal three segments and a lateral series, the ventral surface with orange bands except at base and extremity, the segments edged with blue. Fore wing with very broad oblique orange band from below apex to inner margin near base extending into end of cell, rounded above and somewhat pointed outwardly below apex and obliquely truncate towards base; the termen greyish. Hind wing with orange patch on costa, not quite reaching base, extending to below the cell at middle, then narrowing to a point before apex. Hab. Cotomsta (Pratt), typet ยข in Coll. Druce. Hwp. 42 millim.